Radio shows / 09/10/10 Kasparov vs Nexes / Meccano Twins @ The Lawbreaker & Friends - The Heavy Edition

hardstyler_dj -
Saturday the 09/10/2010 special "The Lawbreaker & Friends Heavy Edition" on Digitally Imported FM USA

Line Up 20:00 -23:00 (CET)

- The Lawbreaker (F) [TLFHS Maker] "Hardstyle to Hardcore"
- Kasparov vs Nexes (NL) [Neophyte Records] "Hardcore"
- Meccano Twins (It) [Traxtorm Records] "Darkcore"

Info :

Tune in :

Do you Want Heavy ?!


Adrien aka The Lawbreaker
Morango -
What is real?
djblacksun -
Fake Shit
We want normal quality , not shitty 96 kb/s on  :yawn:
hardstyler_dj -
better in Aac+ 32k or buy the 192k in premium  ;)
hostage -
do you know what is darkcore ?  :')
hardstyler_dj -
sure , you being born when I was listening to hardcore already and that makes 24 years that I listen to music electronic  -_-

The Darkcore(Doomcore) is born in 1990  ^.^
Gewijzigd door hardstyler_dj op 02-10-2010 17:34
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Meccano Twins play harder Mainstream Hardcore, nothing more.
TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
On 02-10-2010 18:06:36, K-Cin wrote:

Meccano Twins play harder Mainstream Hardcore, nothing more.

The Switch dubstep remix  :') , Mecanno Twins plays shitty hardcore lateley
greg4850 -
Fear.FM Resident DJ
Nice Line-Up but Meccano Twins are not Darkcore  :thumbsup:
hostage -
On 02-10-2010 17:26:52, hardstyler_dj wrote:

sure , you being born when I was listening to hardcore already and that makes 24 years that I listen to music electronic  -_-

The Darkcore(Doomcore) is born in 1990  ^.^

You're making it more stupid. Meccano Twins are still not Darkcore, and never mixed a Darkcore set.
Gewijzigd door hostage op 03-10-2010 15:11
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
On 02-10-2010 17:26:52, hardstyler_dj wrote:

bla bla

The Darkcore(Doomcore)

How are darkcore and doomcore the same thing?
GhostDog -
Klaploper 1e Klas
the old Pcp sound & Fith Era Thats Doomcore!

Supreme Inteligence (D'spyre, Old Endymion tracks, Thats what I call Darkcore

Meccano Twins is just Crapy Mainstream Hardcore.  =]

But i just listen 2 hardcore 4 only 15 years now sow i must be a Newbee  :clown:
Jipdenk -
On 03-10-2010 18:03:14, GhostDog wrote:

Meccano Twins is just Crapy Mainstream Hardcore.  =]

niet alles hoor
550decibel -
kasporav  :6:
Jatoch -
On 03-10-2010 18:03:14, GhostDog wrote:

the old Pcp sound & Fith Era Thats Doomcore!

Supreme Inteligence (D'spyre, Old Endymion tracks, Thats what I call Darkcore

Meccano Twins is just Crapy Mainstream Hardcore.  =]

But i just listen 2 hardcore 4 only 15 years now sow i must be a Newbee  :clown:

Flikker op man, alleen hun laatste release maar hun moeten gewoon geen collabs doen.
Alles van hun is verder geniaal, punt uit.
GhostDog -
Klaploper 1e Klas
On 03-10-2010 18:43:27, Jatoch wrote:

Flikker op man, alleen hun laatste release maar hun moeten gewoon geen collabs doen.
Alles van hun is verder geniaal, punt uit.

neu ik blijf wel, gelukkig mag je in dit land een mening hebben, PUNT UIT  :bye:
hardstyler_dj -
I read your reactions and I find it amazing just to have marked "Darkcore"  :p

I say me now, no need to make long promote for it is enough to score an opinion and 15 reactions now  :thumbsup2:

The Show is today  ;)

Cheers  :beer:
Mrunterwijst -
On 03-10-2010 18:43:27, Jatoch wrote:

Flikker op man, alleen hun laatste release maar hun moeten gewoon geen collabs doen.
Alles van hun is verder geniaal, punt uit.

Inderdaad jammer van die laatste track, past er totaal niet tussen. Voor de resten hebben ze alleen maar geniale platen  :worship:
Dakpan -
No Hostages
On 03-10-2010 18:10:18, Jipdenk wrote:


niet alles hoor

Gewoon hardere minder toegankelijke mainstream
Morango -
What is real?
#nowplaying  :yay: