Radio shows / Theracords vs Early Hours - Xmas Special

Absence -
Ho-ho-ho, santa claus will bring you a very nice Christmas present this year. So make sure you stay at home at the second day of christmas and turn on at high volume, because Theracords and Early Hours are bringing you the: Theracords vs Early Hours - Xmas Special.

Also sick of those christmas tunes being played over and over again on the radio? Five Early Hours residents and four Theracords artists will provide you with eight hours nonstop banging (early) hardstyle beats. Apart from seven solo sets, we're also proud to announce a collaboration set between Crysonic and Geck-o.
12:00-13:00 - Ruff J.
13:00-14:00 - Phrantic
14:00-15:00 - Silvio Aquila
15:00-16:00 - Wavolizer
16:00-17:00 - DP
17:00-18:00 - Geck-o vs Crysonic
18:00-19:00 - Thera
19:00-20:00 - DJ Schizo

So make sure you tune in, Sunday the 26th of December, to Theracords Xmas vs Early Hours Special on
Nilles -
 (L) early sounds  :w00t:
SchizeQ -
Geck-o vs Crysonic i think it would be best early set ever  (L)
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
shiiiit, this looks  :bomb:
Crysonic -
On 14-12-2010 12:41:16, SchizeQ wrote:

Geck-o vs Crysonic i think it would be best early set ever  (L)

Most definately!..  :L  :L

want it to be 26 december right now  :cry:
Podverdriedubbeltjes, moet die hele dag werken  :(
Dan maar terugluisteren via lsdb  :p
Morango -
What is real?
17:00-18:00 - Geck-o vs Crysonic

only one vs. should great more DJ battles  :thumbsup:
djbazz-r -
 :yum:  :yum:  :yum:
K-Cin -
Belgians do it better !
Too bad I can't tune in, will defo download.
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
ThaMaster -
Baas in alle opzichten.
On 14-12-2010 15:11:39, Crysonic wrote:



Very nice for you crysonic.
NaeosPsy -
13:00-14:00 - Phrantic
15:00-16:00 - Wavolizer
17:00-18:00 - Geck-o vs Crysonic  ^.^ grtz.
18:00-19:00 - Thera
alexvdh -
need for koek : underground
On 14-12-2010 15:11:39, Crysonic wrote:



felicitation!  :)

edit: twee supadraaiers; will be epic
Gewijzigd door alexvdh op 16-12-2010 13:22
Absence -
Today's the day, don't forget to tune in..
Starting in 1 hour  :thumbsup:
D4rQW4v3 -
Harder styles Lover
this is ultimate ownage!
steviedoyle [Set Editor] -
Life begins at 140
 :worship:  :worship:
boerenlater -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Awesome till now  :thumbsup2:
ZeroGravity -
The Heretic
just waiting for thera's set  :thumbsup2: