Shoutbox: [25-09] alexvdh: Hi, looking for a streaming link of 69db - beer plz

General discussion / The Big Dubstep Topic

Ouwedorper -
@CrazyDutchMan zijn die nummers zo goed dat ze allemaal in een eigen reactie mogen? :P
CrazyDutchMan -
Lee_Mac_ -
Gewijzigd door Lee_Mac_ op 14-02-2012 13:55
Lee_Mac_ -
I Wouldn't really call these two tracks Dubstep, I Don't think there is a genre, which I think is a good thing. But they are definitely along that line of the music spectrum. We'l just call it experimental dubstep for arguments sake.

They are two of my favourite tracks ever. Pure genius
djblacksun -
Fake Shit

Dubstep santa are back  :) now as Dentist ,freaky track ,bass so realistic ,and mastering quality ,awesome!
Legolas -
On 14-02-2012 14:04:48, Lee_Mac_ wrote:

I Wouldn't really call these two tracks Dubstep, I Don't think there is a genre, which I think is a good thing. But they are definitely along that line of the music spectrum. We'l just call it experimental dubstep for arguments sake.

They are two of my favourite tracks ever. Pure genius

yeah they both are on my list of all-time favourites aswell, considered them as dubstep/experimental/glitch aswell