Requests / DJ Freak @ Nosebleed Vol 1

xu5 -
Anyone have DJ Freak @ Nosebleed, Scotland Vol 1 they would be willing to upload?
From early 1996 if I remember correctly. An awesome noisey industrial mix that I had on mix tape but sadly lost.  :doh:

hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
xu5 -
Thanks for the link, but that is Volume 3, still a good set though  :thumbsup: Had a search on this site a few times but never found it, hopefully someone has it lurking somewhere.
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
Maybe this one??

Just found it, pretty sure it's not the one already posted...
xu5 -
Still not the one  :S haha. Vol 1 must have been 95 then i guess. The tunes on it were quite noisey like praxis style stuff rather than more conventional hardcore. Alot of the tunes i have never heard since  :cry: This tape used to lull me to sleep with its soothing abrasiveness