The show "Tops of Tops" at FearFM asked me what the tracks are that influenced me in my productions in hardstyle and to select them in a 1hr show.
As a music freak, I was immediately very enthousiastic about the idea of this show, and after a lot of hours of thinking and selecting I came up with a final selection. My favourites in oldschool, early rave and hardstyle classics. A BPM range from 125 - 185 haha! Not in a mix, but a selection and an explanation why I like these tracks so much. Broadcast will be the 29th of January at Fear FM!
Next sunday, the 2nd show of 'Tops Of Tops' will be all about requests! Track suggestions can be posted here! Also through twitter is possible! Tweet it like this : artist - title @topsoftops . Keep those suggestions comming!
Jerry Can...