Requests / Track name? [DUBSTEP]

Ouwedorper -
I'm looking for the track that starts at 2:52 of the following video

I already try to contact the uploader via youtube and facebook, also tried via commenting on youtube.

>inb4 pithune
hardcorerepublic [Moderator] -
♪ ♫♫ ♪
DelugeOfSound [Moderator] -
Not much of a sample to go with...i have no idea.
Ouwedorper -
Yeah I know but I won't give up, I'll keep spamming his Facebook
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
On 10-07-2012 16:15:06, hardcorerepublic wrote:


"Did he just die? Ah I'll pick up his kit, what's this? Hello? Silenced Magnum.. laser sight.. Boom!"

Hektor -
Zuigen, kreng!
Why don't you ask the person who uploaded the video for the trackname? He probably knows.
Ouwedorper -
On 11-07-2012 12:54:25, Hektor wrote:

Why don't you ask the person who uploaded the video for the trackname? He probably knows.

Already did, he doesn't respond.
So I'm spamming his facebook right now, still now answer
Nastee -
Gewijzigd door Nastee op 13-07-2012 14:44
Ouwedorper -
 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
Nastee -
needed 3minutes to find it. great track btw  :bday:
dreos1337 [Set Editor] -
Jazeker, de apotheker
Zou het alleen niet onder dubstep scharen
Ouwedorper -
On 14-07-2012 00:21:29, Nastee wrote:

needed 3minutes to find it. great track btw  :bday:

How did u find it?

On 14-07-2012 07:27:25, dreos1337 wrote:

Zou het alleen niet onder dubstep scharen

Onder wat dan
Nastee -
youtube comments + google  ;)  :D
Gewijzigd door Nastee op 14-07-2012 15:03