Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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Raggedy @ndy @ Pure Hardcore #62

Hardcore   Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: greg4850 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:00:10

Meer info
Fear FM

Gestemd door: greg4850 javi_centralero Haardkoor [deleted user] HardT3K-Tic kerrsakoff ColinHQ Zero12 Da_Drunkard herckya Darksound
Favoriet van: cornelly

javi_centralero -
it's possible in better audio quality?, thanks in advance  :)
Haardkoor -
Uptempo Madness
On 20-01-2012 12:48:46, javi_centralero wrote:

it's possible in better audio quality?, thanks in advance  :)

you vote green while the audio quality is not good enough for you??  :o
javi_centralero -
On 20-01-2012 12:55:37, Haardkoor wrote:


you vote green while the audio quality is not good enough for you??  :o

The audio is not too bad, but could be better. You don't find out. Y thought that would be good; but this, I gave a confidence vote.
Sm0keythebandit -
It's backwards!
On 20-01-2012 13:46:11, javi_centralero wrote:


The audio is not too bad, but could be better. You don't find out. Y thought that would be good; but this, I gave a confidence vote.

These artists take the time of the put together a mix for you and the rest of LSDB and Fear FM ...

and all you can come up with time and time again..


go eat a d*ck mate, get f**ked~
javi_centralero -
If the quality was better, you also would enjoy it!, HYPOCRITE!!!!!!