Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Sir Hill @ Extreme Beats - Dark Industry pt.2

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: m_disorder @

Lengte: 01:00:00


01 The Outside Agency - wait your turn / primitive
02 Deathmachine - dark energy
03 Synapse - primal and pure
04 The Outside Agency - the solution
05 Synapse & Ruffneck - vows of doubt
06 Squaresoundz - doin it solo
07 Hellsystem vs Tieum - Time to prove
08 Darkcontroller - world of fear
09 Tieum & Ophidian - burn them
10 Partyraiser & Tieum - the empire strikes back
11 Tieum & Tommyknocker - ruff beats make me sick
12 Angerfist & Tieum - just know
13 Counterfeit - chasing payments
14 Negative A & Counterfeit - ritual killing
15 Forsaken Is Dead & Unnatural Selection - the unconquerable man
16 Negative A & Counterfeit - self-acclaimed criminals
17 Tymon - now whos laughing (Negative A remix)
18 Bartoch - stupid people
19 Forsaken Is Dead - psychotik pillz (Bartoch remix)
20 Section Grabuge - Policia

SirHill -
Thx Tamas !!!!  ;)