Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Radical Redemption @ The Magic Show Week 71


Toegevoegd door: Opperhoofd @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JurneSleddens @

Bestandstype: MP3
Gestemd door: P4RTYLOV3R SchizeQ Jro_ Bunjabie Duruz koldsa B.A.S.H benm77 Mogyi Scooby-Doo Knomo pitchan Mr.Johnny.Napalm Popeofdope daKloze J3fk33 Vioda Haatpiraat j0rrit Laki

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Reverse of the week
1. Zany - Forenctic
  Radical Redemption
2. Zany - Animated Audio
3. Radical Redemption - Horror & Crime
4. The Machine - Place Of Terror (Crypsis Remix)
5. Radical Redemption & Crypsis - Darkness Is Calling
6. Luna & E-Force - Shade Of The Night
7. Crypsis - The 6th Pathway (Radical Redemption Remix)
8. Zany & DV8 - Distorted (B-Front Remix)
9. Radical Redemption & Crypsis ft. MC Tha Watcher - Unlike Others
10. Radical Redemption - The Black Demon
11. The Machine - Audiobot (B-Front Remix)
12. Radical Redemption & Chain Reaction - Helpless
13. Radical Redemption - Annihilate
14. Crypsis - Nackt
15. Radical Redemption - Redemption
16. Radical Redemption - Brutal 2.0
17. Radical Redemption - Torture, Murder & Cannibalism

Bunjabie -
Lekker lijstje...

Redelijk Rauw, maar daar houd ik ook van!
Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Dik  :yum: