Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nielos & Maximumraver @ Ben Harder Show 184

Industrial Hardcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Nielos @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Maximumraver @

Meer info
This show we had Nielos to start of with some Industrial Hardcore, the second hour was for our guest: Maximumraver with some uptempo mainstream hardcore.

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Gestemd door: SchizeQ joelles22 Maximumraver DelugeOfSound HardT3K-Tic JNKz The_Constructor mudkipz Mennus Zerschmetterling loganaxo Nielos

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Hour1: By Nielos el lazeros
1. Razor Edge - Prodigious
2. Nekra Damage - Metamorg
3. Razor Edge - Twenty over seven
4. Embrionyc - Tartaros
5. Razor Edge - Darkules
6. Cluster - Technoisj
7. Celsius - Thermonuclear
8. Mark Frostbite - Beneath the Surface
9. Armageddon Project - Church Of Pentagram
10. Frame Of Mind - Lomanina
11. ID (Celsius)
12. E-Noid - Piss U Off
13. Negative A - One Man Army
14. Frame of Mind - Lethal Vibes
15. Lockjaw - Selecta
  Hour2: By Maximumraver
16. Tommyknocker vs DJ Mad Dog - Clockwork
17. Razor Edge - Into Reality - Into Reality
18. Enzyme X - Mastondont
19. Angels Of Death - The Lycan Mind Fuck
20. Angerfist - It Never Stops
21. D-Xtreme - The Clock Is Ticking
22. Ophidian - Butterfly VIP
23. DJ Sabotage vs H.M.V. - Enforcers
24. Elite Forces - Eternal Battle
25. Masters Of Ceremony - Adapt Or Die
26. Art Of Fighters - Release 7.0
27. Tha Playah - Blast Tha Crowd
28. Art Of Fighters & Endymion - Plastic Surgery
29. Nosferatu ft. Ruffneck - Poop
30. Traxtrom Gangstraz Allied - The Hardest (TRSE Creatures Remix)
31. Rayden - Push The Button

Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
+je voor Nielos gedeelte, want oh mijn god wat heerlijk smooth  :L
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
Frame of Mind - Lethal Vibes + Art Of Fighters & Endymion - Plastic Surgery  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:  :yay:
Gewijzigd door HardT3K-Tic op 14-03-2012 22:42
The_Constructor -
+je voor Maxi voor nummers als Clockwork, It Never Stops, Release 7.0 en Blast Tha Crowd  :worship:
mudkipz -
ik ben een hondje, miauw
+jes voor Razor Edge, voor die gast ga ik echt nog een keer naar Toronto
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
Couple of Links Added to this awesome set  =D
Nielos -
Frenchkickz Records Owner
Thanks for the response! Soon we'll make an 4 hour show! Keep your self updated by fallowing me or benhardershow !
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Thanks everyone  :L
Nielos -
Frenchkickz Records Owner
Added a link for my first hour, so intense I found this back!