Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Fwéno @ Fast and Hard

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Toegevoegd door: Fweno @

Lengte: 10:00:00

Meer info
Here's My new ( short ) mix , this time i spended more time on the mixing skills  :D let me know what you find about it !

Enjoy !

Gestemd door: Fweno DrW


1 Fwéno - Intro
2 Bestien - Raptor
3 Qrank - Lightz
4 Bestien - Insidious
5 Akyra - Playback Time
6 Bestien - Regeneration
7 Bestien - Drugs
8 Double-V & Noizwalker - Bitch on coke
9 Double-V & Noizwalker - V-force
10 Loic D - Hands up
11 Fwéno - Sexy and i know it