Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Ben Harder & Nielos @ Ben Harder Show 189

Hardcore   Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Nielos @
Laatst gewijzigd door: HardT3K-Tic @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 04:00:00

Meer info
Ben Harder Show 2.0.
The weekly hardcore show by Ben Harder, The Relic, Speakerdeamon, Ebru, Niels and Warchetype. Broadcast every Tuesday from 8PM - 12AM at Q-dance Radio.

Gestemd door: [deleted user] loganaxo


Hour 1 (Ben Harder)
Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth (BHS Hardcore Classic)
Distorted Revelation - Mr.Ryan (BHS Retseketser)
Prankster - Blood & Tears
The Viper meets Tha Playah - Fearless
The Viper & Endymion - Change
The Wishmaster - Pandemonium
Prankster & Synthax - A New Future
DJ D - D-Style
Dyprax & Predator - Blood Cycle
Neophyte & Tieum - Les Saboteurs
Counterfeit - Losers Inc
Distorted Revelation - Glory Of The Old Gold

Hour 2 (mixed by Nieloss)
Promo - Insp-Her-Ation
Nosferatu - Unleash the fury
Meagashira & Endmymion - Outcast
Ophidian & Tapage - The Mine
Tommykocker - Revolution
Dj D - Cold as Ice (Tha Playah Remix)
Nitrogenetics & Rayden - No Heroes
Promo - So Sick
Wasted Mind - Despite You
Miosa - Notorious
Neophyte & Evil Activities - One of those days
Promo - Cold as Stone
SRB - Cant stop the spirits

Hour 3 (Ben Harder)
Nano.strike - Democracy kicked in (BHS Break van de Week)
Dual Mechanism - Isometric morphology
Innovative - Innovatechno
Sei2ure - Chainsaw
Mindustries - Depths
Collision - Dreamreactor
The Relic - Mind-lock
Enzyme X - Rattlesnake
Mindustries - Craftiest Trick
Ophidian - Pepperspray
Frame of Mind - Lethal Vibes
The Relic - Into the void

Hour 4 (mixed by Nielos)
Tymon - NT001
E-Noid - Take this Brother
Sei2ure - Burden of Proof
Sandy Warez - Hypertension
Shadowcore - Life & Death (Mark Frostbite Remix)
Meccano Twins - Kick Type 2
N-Vitral - Coma
Embrionyc - Clubwalker
Tymon - Now whos laughing (Ophidian Remix)
Enzyme X - Taboo
Forsaken is Dead - Brain Plate Techtonics
I:Gor - Nekrotekk
Triax & Ruffneck - The Damned (Demon)
Mind Candy - I Am Going Mad (Stormstroopers Insanity Mix)
N-Vitral - Bunck