Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Nuracore & Intervention vs. Da Machinery @ Revelations of Syndicates (Fear.FM Hardest)

Hardcore   Crossbreed

Toegevoegd door: Basscontrollerz @
Laatst gewijzigd door: PatrickG88 @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 02:00:00

Meer info

Gestemd door: Maximumraver Basscontrollerz Da_Machinery


01. Ophidian - End The Earth
02. Switch Technique & The Outside AGecny - The Moment
03. Lowroller vs Igneon System - Great Violence
04. Ruffneck & Mindustries - Xenophobia
05. AK Industry ft Lowroller - Isolation
06. Dj Hidden - Dying Star
07. Enzyme X - Dissonant Poetry (The Outside Agecny remix)
08. Tymon & Ophidian - The One
09. Noisia ft Forgein Beggers - Shellshock
10. Switch Technique - Altered Youth
11. Ruffneck & Ophidian ft Huamaptra - Flying Source
12. The Outsdie AGecny & Sei2ure - Pacificts
13. NEgative A & Counterfeit - Crazy & Deranged
14. Sei2ure - Rocket Fuel
15. Outsdie AGecny & Switch TEchnique - Sensless Society
16. Eye-D - Hell's Basement
17. Cybernators - Funky Tales
18. Dark Destination - Impulsive
19. Trickster - Express My Soul
20. Bio-Forge - Turbulence
21. Jappo VS Lancinhouse - Bring It Fine
22. Wedlock - Ruffneck (Sound Of The Drum & The Bass)
23. Annihilator - Sdr (Bam Bam)
24. Dark Syndicate - Escape From Reality...
25. Promo & Ming - From The Dark Side
26. Wedlock - Evolution Theory
27. D-Boy Bad Boys - Bad Kick
28. Ruffneck vs. Juggernaut - I'm A Ruffneck
29. Scott Brown - 20mm
30. Predator - I Won't Die
31. Omar Santana - Midi Massacre
32. Leviathan - We'll Tear Your Soul Apart
33. Lenny Dee vs. Darkraver - To Da Rhythm
34. Cyclopede - Instromotion
35. Ceasefire - Who's Afraid Of Noise
36. Genaside - Nation Extermination
37. Annihilator - What's Going On
38. Gladiators – T.O.F

Da_Machinery -
Love the '90's
wanneer is deze gedraait dan  :o

Blijft wel n toffe set  :yay:
Basscontrollerz -
On 17-04-2012 19:34:41, Da_Machinery wrote:

wanneer is deze gedraait dan  :o

Blijft wel n toffe set  :yay:

afgelopen zondag  :) stond in topic, werd bekend gemaakt in FearFM Magazine en op twitter :P
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Fijne mix jongens  :) Veel fijne tracks ook  :) Early op het einde ook erg geslaagd  :)
Basscontrollerz -
Dank u ome maxi