Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Beat Destroyers & Enigmato @ Infect Yourself Hardstyle Podcast 5


Toegevoegd door: BeatDestroyers @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:45:00

Meer info

Digital Abuse - Depth Charge System x2 sory  :))

Gestemd door: savi0r89 Gabox Chaotic_Spirit Ivanow Delete Kona_Black K-Star Firsteffect Regain Xahon krzychu3113


01.Blackburn - Be Aware
02.Digital Abuse - Depth Charge System
03.Delete - Advanced Technology
04.Low-E vs Alter Egosz - Harde Rag (Original Non Vocal Mix)
05.ST - Popped and Locked (vazard and Delete remix)
06.Crypsis - Jealousy
07.Chris One - Convictions
08.Rexanthony - For You Marlene (Activator Remix Cut Edit)
09.Prefix & Density - Warning
10.Thera Vs Geck-o - Kill The Trespassers
11.The Beholder Meets Zany - Midnight
12.Noisyboy - Adrenalin


13. Donkey Rollers - We Are One (Delete's Power Edit)
14. Wavolizer Meets Dj Thera & Geck-O - Two & A Half Kings
15. Degos & Re-Done - Cause Chaos
16. Phrantic And Blackburn - In Your What
16. Enigmato - Insane MTFKs
17. Deetox - Still Here
18. Nutty T - Nacho (Delete Remix)
19. Catatonic Overload - Environment (Delete Remix)
20. Deetox - Once Upon A Time
21. Delete - Syndrome
22. Enigmato - Brain Domination
23. Digital Abuse - Depth Charge System
24. Vazard - Heavolution 001