Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

heny @ Temple Of Anarchy Q-Base Contest

Early Hardstyle

Toegevoegd door: heny @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:19:59

Meer info
This is a short Early Hardstyle mix I recorded for the Temple of Anarchy DJ Contest (Q-Base 2012). The goal was to create a 15-20 minute long mix using only tracks from 2000 to 2004.

Unfortunately I didn't get into the top 3 but hopefully some of you might enjoy this.

Gestemd door: mazzanotti Lucato Que-Dee Gabox K-Star JNKz Ivanow Maximumraver Chaotic_Spirit Micha82


01. K-Traxx - Straight On [Titanic Records - 2000]
02. A*S*Y*S* - Acid Nightmare (Original Mix) [Tracid Traxxx - 2001]
03. Julian DJ & Davide Sonar - Techno Noise (Frequency Mix) [Kickin' Tunes - 2002]
04. Zatox - Piper Cut [Wicked Records - 2003]
05. DHHD - Indication [StraightOn Recordings - 2003]
06. DJ Rob - Boy's Interface (The Beholder & Balistic Remix) [Seismic Records - 2004]
07. DJ Dana - Back In Time [Danamite - 2004]

mazzanotti -
Early hardstyle  :worship:
Gewijzigd door mazzanotti op 28-08-2012 01:28
Legolas -
wel een heel erg droge tracklist