Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Mazzanotti @ Harderstate Country Hard Battle 2012 (Team Venezuela)


Toegevoegd door: mazzanotti @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:30:00
Gestemd door: mazzanotti atomgrill X-Pander Zirkum Maximumraver K-Star Mayer loipi DjHardBomber


1- Zany & DV8 - Distorted (B-Front Remix)
2- X-Pander- Pavorem Mostra (Melody Edit)
3- Solutio & The I's - 2.17
4- Tatanka- Doom's Day (The R3belz Remix)
5- Kevin Kaos & Low-E - Electric Future
6- Prefix & Density - Locked Up
7- Zany & The Beholder - Again We Will Rise