Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Thalion Heru @ The Mexxtape 4


Toegevoegd door: Mexx @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:34:32

Meer info
Hello, this is Thalion Heru a.k.a. Mexx on LSDB.
I decided to make an new mix in the genre Subground.
It's not perfect mixed. But It's nice to hear in my opinion!



01. Activator & Smoke - Desmo
02. Acti - Shioner
03. Activator - Koolter
04. Lee Mac - Animated (Acitvator's 'Demin' Remix)
05. Acti - Superbai
06. Activator Ft. Reinweiss - Kakee
07. Acti - Thavar
08. Acti & Stana - Creeple
09. Activator - Krooley
10. Tiësto & Showtek - Hell Yeah
11. Lee Mac - Memory Loss
12. Activator & Reinweiss - Rombee
13. Subkilla - KRK
14. Activator - Theppar
15. Activator & Smoke - Safado
16. Acti - Iakop
17. Activator - Thanaz
18. Activator & Alex Kidd - Excess
19. Activator - Darron
20. Acti - Poiak
21. Activator - Larkee
22. Acti - Pantre