Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Exotane @ R.A.W. Caen

Gestemd door: Darksound billtripandteuf assotripandteuf


01. Ophidian & D-Passion - Breathe
02. Endymion & Nosferatu - Uphold The Future
03. Noize Suppressor & Tha Playah Feat MC Rage - Victorious
04. Exotane - TBA
05. Mad-E-Fact - The Hustle (Evil Activities & Tha Playah remix)
06. Dyprax Feat. MC Syco - Culture Of Chaos
07. Hellsystem - Choose Your Enemy
08. Tommyknocker - T-2012
09. Nosferatu - Hate Me Like A Pro
10. Tha Playah - The Impact
11. Angerfist & Outblast Feat. MC Tha Watcher - Catastrophe (Dominator Anthem 2012)
12. Ruffneck - What The Hell
13. Anime - Rock For Real
14. Dione & Ruffneck - Hellburner
15. Ruffneck & Endymion - Justice
16. Dyprax Feat. MC Tha Watcher - The Statement Of Disorder (Unexist Remix)
17. Hibou - INRI (Tieum Version)