Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Evil Activities @ Extreme Audio Evil X-Mas Special


Toegevoegd door: MELANGE @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:37

Meer info

Gestemd door: DidMyTime Comodo thewarrior.hun GabberCore Tunnelgaenger zet Darksound walter80 Tollshock The-Stranger chicomaster lenin LPM h4rdstyl3r Morango Hansolo Sassie
Favoriet van: The-Stranger Hansolo

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Evil Activities - Extreme Audio
2. Promo & Lenny Dee - I Called You
3. Synapse - Crispy Kick
4. Tymon - Down With The Real
5. Tommyknocker - Sometimes
6. Unexist - The Poem
7. Angerfist & Crucifier - Sensational Gargle
8. Enzyme X - Kapotnaaien
9. TRSE Creatures Allied - Disposal Of Outer Power (Eardrums On Blood Mix)
10. D-Passion - Infection
11. Ruffneck & Ophidian - All The Way Down (Nosferatu & Endymion Remix)
12. D-Passion & Promo - The Next Level
13. DJ Mad Dog - Awful Sound
14. Unexist - Spank Yer Ass
15. Drokz & Day-Mar - Our Song
16. Test - E - 5 (Evil Activities unreleased Demo from 2008)

Darksound -
16 Test - E - 5 (Evil Activities unreleased demo from 2008)  :thumbsup2:
The-Stranger -
best episode so far !
Morango -
What is real?

On 24-12-2012 17:48:14, The-Stranger wrote:

best episode so far !

ether01 -
initiate standard download proceedure  :thumbsup2: