Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Genox @ New Year's Eve Session


Toegevoegd door: Genox @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Genox @

Lengte: 01:12:22

Meer info
1. Genox - Diabolical Experiments [SPOON 030]

2. Genox - Strange Landscapes [SPOON 030]

3. Genox - Hypnotize [SPOON 030]

For good sound quality download the set on your HDD.

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Better late than never.  :D
"As 2013 is just around the corner, I tried to pick up the best tracks of 2012 and make a set. It supposed to be my last Fear.FM set, but I didn't manage to prepare it on time. It was very hard to choose among all the bangers released this year and fit the selected in a one hour mix. I got also a serious injury to the knee, so standing in front of the console is really fucking painful;[

This set is also a preview of some new tracks of mine (including the Spoontech Records release, coming in the end of Jan 2013)! ]:->

I think there is nothing else left to say, than to wish You a Hard and Banging New Year's Eve and a filled by thousands of crazy memories 2013!

Enjoy and leave some comments below.


Gestemd door: V1eslaveq B.A.S.H kikusthc Antimildstyler


1. Brennan Heart - Freaqshow
2. Antiloop - In My Mind (Scope DJ Bootleg)
3. Zany - Dance!
4. Genox - Variety Of Experiences (work in progress)
5. Crypsis & Chain Reaction - No God
6. Genox - Dark Water
7. The Prophet - Reflections Of Your Darkside
8. Zany - Nightmare Into Reality

9. Genox - Strange Landscapes [SPOON 030 PROMO]

10. Noisecontrollers - Revolution Is Here (Donkey Rollers Remix)

11. Genox - Hypnotize [SPOON 030 PROMO]

12. Atmozfears - Rip The Jacker
13. Prime Suspects - Maximum Pain (Vazard Remix)
14. Hardstyle Mafia - Hell On The Dancefloor (The Machine Remix)
15. Genox - Black Is...
16. B-Front - Mysterias

17. Genox - Diabolical Experiments [SPOON 030 PROMO]

18. Solutio & The I's - Mistress
19. Solutio - Sanctum