Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Bonebreaker @ A Tribute To Bartoch


Toegevoegd door: Bone82 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:18:49

Meer info
Mixed a Tribute set to Bartoch, I didn't included all of hes tracks but added some new and old ones in it  :)

Hope You 'll like this set  ;)

Gestemd door: Ivanow robinhc fragany Trickster

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. EST - Darkfallus
2. Bartoch - You And Me
3. Bartoch & Cyane & MC Matos - MTFCK (This Is Hardcore)
4. Bartoch - Bombastic
5. Bartoch & Marc Osmate - C'est Quoi
6. Bartoch & Cyane - El Chupacabra
7. Bartoch & Marc Osmate - Hell'z Kitchen
8. Cyane - Ass Social Bitches (Bartoch Remix)
9. Bartoch - Znarko Land
10. Bartoch - Californian Girl
11. Bartoch & The Punisher - Death Nation
12. Bartoch - Bronson Style
13. Bartoch - Fucking Chuck Norris
14. Bartoch & The Punisher - Kick Your Fucking Ass
15. EST - Listen 2 That Noise (Bartoch Remix)
16. Bartoch - Eastcost Ravers
17. Bartoch - Dictator Rules
18. X-Mind & Zeta Reticuli - One Chance (Bartoch Remix)
19. Bartoch & The Punisher - Push It Balls
20. Bartoch - Fuck Facebook
21. Bartoch - Magician Dancing
22. Bartoch & Da Horsemen - Follow Shit
23. Bartoch & Da Horsemen - La Musica Brutta

Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
new link added