Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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Blockside , Cemon Victa & The Vinylraider @ PalletParty Indoor Special promo set!

Hardstyle   Hardcore   Frenchcore

Toegevoegd door: Coredelia @
Laatst gewijzigd door: hardcorerepublic @

Lengte: 02:15:00

Meer info
PalletParty Indoor - HARD area Promo-set - 26/01/2013 De Leeren Lampe Raalte-

Gestemd door: Coredelia


1) Alphaverb - Are You Up For This
2) Atmozfears - Just Let Go
3) Technoboy - Involved
4) Da Tweekaz - Catch The Light
5) Geck-o - Space Jam
6) Bass Modulators Ft. Laila Reeves - Monsoon
7) Submotion - Skitzofrenia
8) Crisis Era Ft. Karpe-DM - Your Reality
9) Geck-o - All Night
10) B-Twinz - Shout
11) DJ Duro - Cocaine MF (Alpha² Remix)
12) In-Phase - The Scientist
13) Phuture Noize - Extend
14) Tha Playah - Dicks, Pussy's and Assholes
Cemon Victa:
Komt nog!

The Vinylraider:
Komt nog!