Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Forbidden Planet

Hardcore   Frenchcore   Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: F.Noize @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 00:55:10

Meer info
Well well well, finally the first recorded set for this year...I'am glad to be back more aggressive than ever! In this liveset you can hear a LOT of new unreleased tracks including my last production "Kaos raiser" Forthcoming on Noisestorm!!! There is also a fun edit that i've made in few hours of farinas therapy!! Hope you enjoy my new stuff...See ya in the next party!!! BYE BOYZ  ;)

Video,live info & Photos on:

Gestemd door: PinkNoizes Artistic_HB B.A.S.H The_Insaniak stef10 Hansolo robinhc Zero12 donut HellterSkellter sossie Ravels chalmers HardT3K-Tic JakHalz Blondehoning MarcoTechnofolle fragany flavioHC 5-HT RavenStylez Nestor_van_Daark Demolition075 Vasiliy ThaDjMurree View all ratings
Favoriet van: donut flavioHC RavenStylez Nestor_van_Daark ThaDjMurree

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Mikey Motion & Chuff - Natural Born Killerz
2. Destructive Tendencies - Taken From Me
3. DJ Mad Dog - Psychotic
  w/ R.E.M. - Losing My Religion
4. Paul Elstak - My Beat
5. Marshall Masters - Don't Touch That Stereo (Mad Dog Refix 2011)
6. J-Roon & Kosmix - Noob
7. The Stunned Guys & DJ Paul - Thrillseeka (Mad Mic Offensive Edit)
8. DJ Skuffa - Hippycrash Mash-Up
9. Proto X ft. Tieum - Mechanical Sickness
10. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die (F. Noize Remix)
11. The Undead Project - Stick Around
12. Tieum & Partyraiser - Equipment Fail
13. The Punisher - Don't Give A Shit
14. F. Noize - Industrialized
15. F. Noize vs A-Krivs - Get Ready
16. F. Noize - Kaos Raiser
17. Vextor vs. F. Noize - Hell Warriors (French Mix)
18. Vextor vs F. Noize - Farinas Therapy (F. Noize Therapy Edit)
19. CokeMafia & RudeCat - The Return Of The Motherfuckers

stef10 -
nice thx
F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
You're welcome  ;)
HellterSkellter -
 :thumbsup2:  :yay:  :w00t: party hard my friend  ;)
chalmers -
Gotta love this guy, his sets are always top knotch!!!!
F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
 :worship:  :worship:  :worship:
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
05 is not by Mad Dog. It's his Remix: Marshall Masters - Don't Touch That Stereo (Mad Dog Refix 2011)
F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
I know that, but on my file the name is that  ;)