Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Chem D @ P.O.R.N.cast 004

Frenchcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: PORN @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 00:49:02

Meer info
An other Italian coreblaster from our upcoming line up.
Chem D in the mix: Exclusively composed for P.O.R.N. 2013!

P.O.R.N.: Often Imitated Never Duplicated

Gestemd door: mindspitter HardT3K-Tic

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. The Speedfreak - Ganga SX (Bonus Beats)
2. Lenny Dee & Radium - Voices (Andy The Core Shut Up Remix)
3. The Sickest Squad - In80 (X-Fly Remix)
4. Andy the Core - Mad as Hell
5. Section Grabuge - Seek & Destroy
6. Angerfist - Fuck The Promqueen (Tripped Remix)
7. Nasenbluten - Feeling Shit (Drokz Remix)
8. Razor Edge - Death Row
9. Brutal Jesters - Funky Music
10. Chem D - Penthouse Bitch
11. Chem D - The Joke
12. SRB - Loud Noises
13. Paranoizer - Questions
14. Noisekick - I'm a Motherfucker
15. Andy The Core - 250 Suicide Ways (Paranormal Mix)
16. DJ Twilight & Narotic ft. The Massacre - Real Italian Killers (Chem D Remix)
17. Danny C - Datum