Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Guilded @ Real Hardstyle Radio


Toegevoegd door: DannyH @

Lengte: 00:59:01

Meer info

This is my first set on real hardstyle radio.
I tried to make it the best i could, but that, is your's to decide  ;) !

Enjoy it, any feedback is welcome! Here you go:

Gestemd door: Zirkum DannyH Reguillo BartyFire Scooby-Doo Mollie JonnyWark
Favoriet van: BartyFire Reguillo Scooby-Doo


1. Intro Guilded
2. Kevin Kaos & Low-E - Electric Future
3. Zatox - The Future
4. Phuture Noize - Fire in the hole
5. Frequencerz - Burnin / we won't sleep (Guilded's B-freqz live mashup)
6. B-front & Digital Punk - For the Girls
7. E-force - Crucifix
8. The R3belz & MC Renegade - Fight 4 Existence
9. Zatox - Irreplaceable
10.Crypsis - Main mf
11.Chain Reaction - Lellebel
12.Activator - Deep Red
13.DJ Thera - Don't back down
14.Luna & E-Force - Shade of the night
15.Guilded - The magic's summer Revolution (Mashup)
16.Adaro & B-front - Worth Fighting for (Qapital anthem)
17.Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking
18.Delete - Syndrome
19.Crypsis - You Know
20.Amnesys - The Purest
21.The R3belz - Pattern 2
22.Catatonic Overload - Environment (Delete Remix)

DannyH -
I like!  :thumbsup2:
Scooby-Doo -
SQooby-Doo & Stampertje
 :thumbsup2:  :worship:  :yay:

Boomrups -
Soundcloud link dead, please repost this  :bomb:
Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
Had hem nog (onder de naam Guilded Dream Village DJ Contest Mix  :p ) dus bijna een jaar na dato heb je hem dan toch  :p
Boomrups -
Haha bedankt kerel, ik heb Guilded de volgende dag op FB voor de set gevraagd en hem gekregen hihi  :bomb: (had ik misschien wel even mogen editten idd)