Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Krauser @ Combobreaker Podcast 23

Hardcore   Dubstep   Hardtrance

Toegevoegd door: lamtak @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Maximumraver @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:00:00

Meer info
For this week of the Combobreaker Podcast, I am proud to present to you: Krauser! This young man is ready to show you his awesome skills and his broad musictaste! You really shouldn't miss this one!

For more info, check out

Gestemd door: lamtak DelugeOfSound Sjaan Luukjahhh Maximumraver Knomo Biomek The_Insurgent Demanufacturer McBong eindbaas Jipdenk

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Kill The Noise ft Feed Me - Thumbs Up (For Rock N' Roll)
2. The Outside Agency - The Wandering Mind
3. Sandling - The Dirt
4. Omnicide - Anthropogenic Ecological Catastrophe
5. Void Settler - Frostwind
6. The Relic ft Embrionyc - What Is It To Be Human (Embrionyc's Live Version)
7. Biomek - Realm Of Existence
8. Ultraform - Chase Me
9. Wavolizer - Vermin
10. D-Passion - Blacklist Amok
11. Ophidian - Nurse
12. Promo - Nightfall
13. Mystef - Alleycat
14. Placid K - Are You Aware
15. Nosferatu & Lunatic & Miss Hysteria - Technology exceeds
16. DJ Mad Dog & Amnesys - Game Over
17. Pandorum ft Ruffneck - Bitcore
18. Dither - Twenty Thirteen
19. Ruffneck & Ophidian - All The Way Down (Mangled By Nosferatu & Endymion)
20. DJ Hidden - Drastic
21. Outro

Maximumraver [Set Editor] -
aka Sloperij Janssen
vette lijst  :)! zeker nog even luisteren  :)

6. The Relic feat. Embrionyc - What Is It To Be Human [Embrionyc's Live Version]
8. Ultraform - Chase Me
10. D-Passion - Blacklist Amok
11. Ophidian - Nurse
16. Mad Dog & Amnesys - Game Over
17. Pandorum feat. Ruffneck - Bitcore
19. Ruffneck & Ophidian - All The Way Down [Mangled By Nosferatu & Endymion]


9. Wavolizer - Vermin

Luukjahhh -
Heule dikke lijst....eens ff tsjekken  :D

Edit: Lekkere gevarieerde platenkeuze, toffe opbouw en prima mixwerk.....kortom; vadsige kak.
Gewijzigd door Luukjahhh op 10-04-2013 20:23
Krauser -
Fuck YOU, THAT'S my name!
Thanks people  :)

Added an extra download link from my Soundcloud page!
Demanufacturer -
Looking good, downloading ^^
McBong [Set Editor] -
Awesome mix of genres here, great job  :thumbsup2: