Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Clive Warren @ Raw As A Crack Addict Hooker On Happy Hour 3 ANZAC Special


Toegevoegd door: CliveWarren @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:54

Meer info
live recording if the mix i did for ANZAC Day Special

please make sure you tip your local crack whore........she works hard


1. Marcel Woods - Advanced (KRM HardStyle Remix)
2. Phrantic & Deetox - Contact
3. Stereotuners - Housedog (Re-edit)
4. Bassfeeder - Disgusting Slob
5. Enigmato - Insane MTFKs (Prime Suspects Remix)
6. Adaro & Digital Punk - Natural Born Killers
7. Unbreakable & X-Pander - Pavorem Monstra
8. Kronos - Tick Tock (Ft Sedutchion)
9. Hard Driver - Abyss Of Darkness
10. Zatox - The Supertool
11. Jack of Sound & Titan - Midnight Freaks
12. The Beholder and Digital Punk - A Dark Tomorrow
13. Titan - Remember Me
14. Main Concern - Pineapple
15. The Prophet & Zatox - Prozaxx (X-Pander Kick Edit)
16. Hardwave - Darkside