Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Crypsis @ Fantasy Island 2013 Pre Party


Toegevoegd door: JeffreyFCT @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 01:00:00
Gestemd door: smeerkees Motorhead ProMixer Scooby-Doo BartyFire son92 DonC e.deitas sandaaaar P4RTYLOV3R Mortryx Firsteffect bAsher26 GazzaHaugh Ronder Nongetjie K-Star MathijsRAW BouncingBall Fluttershy The_Hidden The-Stranger dardic Micha82 DutchCha0s RvdB14 ballmann09 JDN leesmith543 Jeffaaa ScarryHarry Sassie View all ratings
Favoriet van: Scooby-Doo BartyFire P4RTYLOV3R Mortryx Micha82

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Chain Reaction ft. Crypsis - The Attack
2. Crypsis - Break Down Low
3. Ran-D & Crypsis - Inside Our Mind
4. Crypsis - You Know
5. Crypsis - Lost In The Mist
6. Digital Punk & Crypsis - Radiant
7. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking
8. Crypsis - The Main MF
9. Ran-D & Adaro - Struggle For Existence (Crypsis Remix)
10. Crypsis - The Demand (Radical Redemption Remix)
11. Crypsis - Damned
12. Crypsis & Luna - Torture
13. E-Force & Luna - Masterclass
14. Crypsis - Strike
15. Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth
16. Crypsis & Radical Redemption - Drug 'n Roll
17. Radical Redemption - God's Child
18. Radical Redemption & Crypsis - Atomic Warfare (Hard Bass 2013 Edit)
19. Activator - Big Fat Pancake
20. Crypsis - Nackt
21. Radical Redemption & Tartaros - One By One
22. Radical Redemption & Crypsis ft. MC Tha Watcher - Unlike Others

Motorhead -
Ran-D & Crypsis - Inside Our Mind
that's nice
goodmartinus -
Radical Redemption - Accumulated Filth _O_
Radical Redemption - God's Child _O_
Radical Redemption & Tartaros - One By One _O_
I'm a Radical Redemption fan  :)
DonC -
A little bit cliche TL. Still epic, 'cause all bangers.  :worship:
Scooby-Doo -
SQooby-Doo & Stampertje
 :thumbsup2:  :worship:  :yay:

CRYPSIS FTW!!!  :yay:
Mortryx -
he's my favourite "DJ" his mixing skills are pure pleasure for my ears  :L  :worship:
Micha82 -
Banging set very nice!  :worship:
Gewijzigd door Micha82 op 13-05-2013 11:18