Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

F. Noize @ Toxic Sickness Radio


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: JeffreyFCT @

Lengte: 01:00:34

Meer infoøIzE/161420677229227

Gestemd door: F.Noize MarcoTechnofolle Tunnelgaenger MoDi Hansolo Zero12 JakHalz Ravels Saba1980 chalmers Pyd flavioHC HardT3K-Tic RAW-matter Nestor_van_Daark
Favoriet van: flavioHC

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. F. Noize vs S.D. Rayden & Speedram - Eat This
2. Vextor vs F. Noize - Hell Warriors (Epic Mix)
3. Angerfist - Street Fighter
4. Pzyco Beat Project - Lonesome
5. Danny Firestone - HC Heroes (Dione Remix)
6. Andy The Core vs. F. Noize - Sentenced
7. Imperium Bass - Macabre Connection Mashup
8. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die (F. Noize Remix)
9. Rotterdam Terror Corps & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (Destructive Tendencies Remix)
10. DJ Paul Elstak ft. Scott Brown & Darrien Kelly - Here We Go Again
11. Brain Neurotic - Chaos Attack (The Mechanics Remix)
12. Dave Dope - Deadly Sins
13. D-Ohmicyd ft. Wars Industry - ACAB
14. F. Noize vs A-Kriv - Get Ready
15. The BeatKrusher - Helemaal De Weg Kwijt
16. VTX - Paraponzipò (F. Noize Remix)
17. Andy The Core - The Worst (EDIT)
18. Ogm909 - Crimin-Al (F. Noize LSD Remix)
19. X-Mind - Lain Theme (Digital Plague Squad Remix)
20. Exagon & Da Boomer - Dis-co-shit!
21. Vextor vs F. Noize - Farinas Therapy (F. Noize Edit)

F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
You beat me on time, here the track list!

1. F. Noize vs S.D. Rayden & Speedram - Eat This
2. Vextor vs F. Noize - Hell Warriors (epic mix)
3. Angerfist - Street fighter
4. Pzyco Beat Project - Lonesome
5. Danny Firestone - HC-Heroes (Dione Remix)
6. Andy the core vs F. Noize - Sentenced
7. Imperium Bass - Macabre connection
8. Turbulence - 6 Million Ways To Die (F. Noize Rmx)
9. RTC & Paul Elstak - Skull Dominion (Destructive Tendencies remix)
10. Scott Brown vs Darrien Kelly - Geleihoofd (Paul Elstak Refix)
11. Brain Neurotic - Chaos attack (The Mechanics rmx)
12. Dave Dope - Deadly sins
13. D-ohmicyd fat Wars Industry - ACAB
14. F. Noize vs A-Krivs - Get Ready
15. The BeatKrusher - Helemaal de weg kwijt
16. Vtx - Paraponzipo - (F. Noize Rmx)
17. Andy The Core - The Worst (EDIT)
18. OGM909- Crimin-Al (F. Noize LSD remix)
19. X-Mind - Lain Theme (Digital Plague Squad Remix)
20. Exagon & Da Boomer - Dis-co-shit!
21. Vextor vs F. Noize - Farinas Therapy (F. Noize Edit)
MarcoTechnofolle -
Another great set from this man, he's the future of the entire italian hardcore scene
F.Noize -
F Noize No Choice!!!
too kind, my friend!

walbier -
Another great set mr F. Noize! It always gives that bit of extra adrenaline when hardcore is played at that BPM. Keep up the good work!!
MoDi -
always rough sick beats! Like The God himself Partyraiser!! Keep on going this way...and maybe you can play sometimes at turbinenhalle Oberhausen at Pokke Herrie, Pussy Motherfuckers or Amry Of Hardcore! Looking forward to listen to you live set
AndyTheCore -
No excuse. Just hitting hard the drums. Thumbs up bro.