Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Cal Chalmers @ May Mix


Toegevoegd door: chalmers @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 00:59:48
Gestemd door: TimTim JackG87 Onga MarcoTechnofolle B.A.S.H chalmers hardevg Hansolo paulrussell GhostDog Witteveen AlTwisted GaryOwens dkodeofficial Baino DannyH fragany LostOrigin
Favoriet van: Hansolo


01. Bassmati - Ravers (F.Noize Rmx)
02. Darkcontoller - What The Fuck
03. Dave Dope - Painrush
04. The Beatkrusher - Before I Forget
05. Tensor & Re-Direction - I really Don't Care
06. Mikey Motion & Chuff - Natural Born Killerz
07. Darkcontroller - Dark Fuck
08. Andy The Core - Murdermind
09. Bartoch - East Coast Ravers
10. D-ohmicyd - Green Crack (Wars Industry Rmx)
11. Bartoch & The Punisher - Fireway
12. The BeatKrusher - Helemaal de weg kwijt
13. Rotterdam Terror Corps - Rotterdamn (Distortion Rmx)
14. Edge of Darkness - Basterds
15. Andy The Core & Radical Disorder - Everlasting
16. Bartoch & The Punisher - Push It Balls
17. Chrono & The Demon Dwarf - Doe Is Ff Rustig Aan
18. Wars industry feat D-ohmicyd - GangBang
19. Hardbouncer - Push The Tempo
20. ProtoX - Down With The Sickness
21. Chrono & Imperium Bass - Moving Bitches
22. F-Noize feat Glenx - Superman 2012
23. Tieum - Kontractor
24. Drokz - The Internet