Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

The Augerz @ Hardstyle Mix


Toegevoegd door: R3dD3vil @
Laatst gewijzigd door: TimTim @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 01:08:34
Gestemd door: R3dD3vil


01. Kamui - Ghosts (Original & Energy Mix)
02. The Prophet - R3tro
03. Zatox & The R3belz - Good & Evil
04. Radical Redemption & Frequencerz - Insanity
05. Kronos - KS (Edit)
06. Frequencerz - Bitch
07. Prefix & Density - Soundwaves
08. Zatox - Check Out The Drop
09. Genox - Strange Landscapes
10. E-Force - Crucifix
11. DJ Thera & Frequencerz - Incoming
12. Phrantic & Phuture Noize - Arise
13. X-Pander - Out of Time
14. Ran-D - Never Scared
15. The Machine - Bass Invasion
16. Inner Heat & JRD - The Shadows
17. Zatox & The Eretik vs Kendra - Bitch Slap
18. Deetox & Delete - Android
19. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking
20. Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix)
21. Luna & E-Force - Masterclass

TimTim [Moderator] -
Feeeeeddddd Meeeee
No date in title please.

No double date in the title please  :p
R3dD3vil -
this is mix, not live set  ;)