Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Freak @ Vol. 1 Mix

Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: SandStorm @
Laatst gewijzigd door: SandStorm @

Bestandstype: 192 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:43:17

Meer info

Gestemd door: Dilvo DJ_Casketkrusher Multiworld
Favoriet van: Multiworld

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Euromasters - Ik Wil Méééeee......Naar Het WK
2. Stingray - Floor Filler
3. Somebody From Rotterdam - Somebody From Rotterdam
4. Stingray - Vortex (Drum Attack)
5. Somebody From Rotterdam - Psychotic
6. Stingray - Power Of Darkness
7. Somebody From Rotterdam - On And On (Acid Mix)
8. Stingray - Right Now
9. Somebody From Rotterdam - Let's Go Crazy
10. Cyclopede - What
11. Bionic Commando - Desease Mainframe
12. Cyclopede - Instromotion
13. Bionic Commando - Spirit Of Space
14. Cyclopede - Bad Motherfucker
15. Bionic Commando - Lawnmowerman
16. Cyclopede - Prison System
17. Somebody From Rotterdam - Movin' Melody
18. Influid III - The Destroyer (1.2 Million BPM Mix)
19. Euromasters - Hé Scheids! Schop'm Voor Z'n Klotûh
20. Thomas E - Lumbago Bay
21. Euromasters - Oprottûh (Hooligans Mix)
22. DJ Fistfuck - Tyrannofuck (Remix)
23. E-Legal - Defy Hell
24. DJ Semzer - Hakland
25. Euromasters - Oprottûh (Karaoke Mix)
26. DJ Semzer - Domstad
27. Euromasters - Duits Bloed (...........Wil Hell Mess)
28. Thomas E - From The Mind Of Ruben Hamshore
29. E-Legal - Motherfuckers
30. R Wagner - Holland WK Hakke
31. E-Legal - No Alternative
32. R Wagner - Advokaatje
33. R Wagner - Final Revolution
34. DJ Fistfuck - Pussy Poison
35. Insurge - I.M.F. (You Piece Of Shit Hardcore Re-Armament Mix)

SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
tracklist added  :thumbsup:
Psychologic -
9. Somebody From Rotterdam - Let's Go Crazy
11. Bionic Commando - Desease Mainframe
13. Bionic Commando - Spirit Of Space
15. Bionic Commando - Lawnmowerman
17. Somebody From Rotterdam -
17a. Influid III - The Destroyer (1.2 Million BPM Mix)
21. DJ Fistfuck - Tyrannofuck (Remix)
27. E-Legal - Motherfuckers
29. E-Legal - No Alternative
SandStorm [Set Editor] -
It's A Dirty Job...
On 27-08-2013 11:18:57, Psychologic wrote:
