Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Jocer Core @ Wellen Von Donner


Toegevoegd door: ThorstenSCWorldwide @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 01:58:14

Meer info
Special Mix For Speedcore Worldwide

Gestemd door: ThorstenSCWorldwide SpeedGestoert tanner012555 Headqracker hardcorerepublic venus_hardkore
Favoriet van: tanner012555


01. Terrormasta feat. MC ChazerOne - Rhyme Flashah
02. Terrormasta - Fühlst Du Dich Wohl (RMX)
03. Terrormasta - Die Abrechnung
04. Terrormasta - Pussylecken
05. Hatecreator - Töten Is Unser Hobby
06. ID
07. Human End - Offering
08. Mancubus vs. Darkside - Red 3
09. Human End - Dreams Of Gods
10. Mancubus vs. Darkside - Red1
11. Mancubus - Sub Shit
12. Mancubus - Destin Zero
13. Mancubus - The End
14. Mancubus - Speed Fuckers
15. AIDS - Fucambie
16. M1dy - Megashit
17. Vojeet - NCBC02
18. Mancubus - Speed Noia
19. ID
20. Vojeet - Es Ist 6 Uhr 12
21. Csorba Gee - Rage Against The House
22. Komprex - Brutality Is My Reality
23. GFB - Planet Blood
24. ID
25. ID
26. La Glace A La Viande - T Sound Ou Quoi
27. Komprex - Hell Of An Asshole
28. The Noisy Terrorist - War
29. Goetia - No Escape
30. Morbide Klänge - Halt Deine Fresse Jaaa
31. Hardimpulse - The Horror
32. Morbide Klänge - Das Extreme An Splittercore
33. Nasenbluten - Nightsoil
34. iGoA - Schwarze Essenz