Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Razor Edge @ Dark Menace Show HC #06

Industrial Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Basscontrollerz @
Laatst gewijzigd door: PatrickG88 @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:57:00

Meer info
Here is our the guest mix of Razor Edge he did for us last saturday!! So grab it while its still hot  :D

Gestemd door: TimTim Knomo Ownz jarkkko

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. DJ Tugie - Forces Of Darkness (DJ Teck Nick Remix)
2. Mark Van Den - Lack Of Comprehension
3. Andy The Core - Beat Diz (I Just Wanna Be A Raver) (Tribute)
4. ND Vidual - Into The Battle
5. Gary J Hung - Decomposition 7
6. Dave Dope & Inacopia - This Music
7. Mikey Motion & Chuff - Trigger
8. Reflecti - Transparent Sky
9. EgoExNihil - Apathie
10. Double BB - Empty Spaces
11. Tripped - Fuck The Millennium (Al Twisted & Biorekk Remix)
12. DJipe - Fuck it up
13. Sinogen & How Hard - Dragon (Anxiety Remix)
14. Embrionyc & Sidelnikov - The Guardian
15. Dr. Peacock & Hyrule War - Runaway
16. Talixzen - Imperial March Of Doom
17. Khaoz Engine - The Cursed Beast
18. Dave Dope & Inacopia - This Music
19. Forsaken Is Dead - Everything Gained
20. [KRTM] - Post Celebrated
21. The Peoples Republic Of Europe - Tech Tree
22. Mr. Madness & How Hard - Burn It
23. N-Vitral ft. Rude Awakening - Brainbomb
24. Just A Pilgrim - The Crow & The Monk
25. Relapse - The Dead
26. Stormtrooper - Shabby Chic
27. NaRick - Power Supply
28. Diezel Xzaust - Zero Tolerance
29. Desolation - Addicted To Industrial
30. Jensen - I Found An Angels Feather
31. Laf-O Not Even A Minute
32. Black Death & Prince ov Darkness - Survive In A World ov Vampirez

Knomo -
Why? Because fuck you, thats why
Razor Edge, nice  :yum:

Goed bezig hoor  :p Embrionyc ook al..