Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Extrusive @ Hands'up radio Rauwkost 1punt0


Toegevoegd door: Jubke @

Lengte: 01:22:36

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Gestemd door: Jubke
Favoriet van: riggs

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1. Crypsis - Break Down Low (Decibel 2013 Edit)
2. Phuture Noize & Prefix - The Gift
3. Chain Reaction - Bassleader (Bolivia Edit)
4. E-Force ft. MC Tellem - Feel The Force
5. Raxtor - Fight Or Escape
6. Crypsis & Adaro - Another Shit Track
7. Gunz For Hire - The Massacre
8. Crypsis - The Main MF
9. Frequencerz & E-Force - Attention (Evenstar Break Mix)
10. Adaro & Digital Punk - Natural Born Killers
11. Goliath & MC I See - Insane
12. Activator & Jajox - Satana
13. Chain Reaction - Answers (Adaro Remix)
14. E-Force & Luna - Shade of the Night
15. Revolutionz - Darkness
16. Adaro & MC Renegade - The House Of Wax
17. Ran-D & Adaro - Struggle for Existence
18. Amnesys - The Purest
19. Degos & Re-Done - Demon In Me
20. Endymion & The Viper ft. FERAL is KINKY - Raging In The Dancehall
21. Radical Redemption - Brutal 2.0