Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Johnny Napalm @ Army of Hardcore 2013 - The Indoor Festival (Turbinnenhalle Oberhausen, DE

Frenchcore   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Mr.Johnny.Napalm @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:46:17

Meer info
This is my liveset from Army Of Hardcore 2013
(Area 5 Frenchcore and Terror)

Time Table
20:00-21:30 Zorc
21:30 -22:30 The Vinylraider
22:30 -23:30 Dr. Peacock
23:30- 00:15 Johnny Napalm <<<<
00:15-01:00 Corruptive Chaos
01:00-01:45 S’aphira
01:45-02:30 Tripped
02:30-03:15 The Vizitor
03:15-04:00 Live: Noisekick
04:00-04:30 Live: Terrormasta
04:30-05.15 Beagle
05:15-06:15 SRB
06:15 -07:00 Live: Synchron-X

If you like to support me:

Gestemd door: avktje denouwe djmilito Sarge Ownz HardT3K-Tic Tunnelgaenger CoreperationBeatz Maximumraver p-nIce Dance_or_die Kirschbaum Piledriver
Favoriet van: avktje sannie858


01 Osmik - Sweet Nightmare
02 Radium Ft. Angerfist - Reason To Hate
03 Randy - Rock Da Disco
04 Maissouille - Kick Ass
05 Osmik - Le dermeuD
06 Radium - Be My Bitch
07 Piledriver - The Kore With It
08 Backflip - Alane
09 ID
10 B@ss F@cker & Backflip - Loco
11 ID
12 The Audiofreak - Wannabe Lovesong
13 The Audiofreak - Killer Rmx
14 SRB - Wat Is Het Tog Een Engel(Chrono & Dr. Peacock Remix)
15 SRB - Hypnotize
16 Drokz - I Deserve To Get Drunk
17 Hungry Beats - Killing Time
18 SRB - Don't Worry Be Terror

Mr.Johnny.Napalm -
Frenchcore Addict!!
09 System122 & Qkore - Hardcore Vibes