Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Unity & Dione @ New Dance Radio

Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: bartjo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: SandStorm @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:59:23

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Gestemd door: SandStorm

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1. Sonicdriver vs Wicked E - Exited
2. Lords Of The Underworld - Mass Hypnosis
3. Lords Of The Underworld - Fuckin' Them Beats Up (Simtec Mix)
4. Somebody From Rotterdam - The Lizard King
5. Crypt - 9th Circle
6. Myztic - Destiny
7. Sonicdriver vs Wicked E - The Trip
8. ID (ID)
9. System 3 - A New Dance
10. Eternal Terror - Eat A Dick
11. DJ Dione - Open Sesame
12. Myztic - Dangerous Battle
13. Da Grimreaper - We Control The Sound (X-press Yourself)
14. The Alternative Creators - Sound Creation (DJ Isaac Remix)
15. Dione - Energy
16. Renata Ricciardi & DJ Jordens - Listen & Obay
17. DJ Dione - R U Readie
18. ID (ID)
19. Buzz Fuzz - Introkiller (Work It)
20. Mastervibe - Alienz
21. ID (ID)