Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Minus Militia @ Hard Bass 2014 Team Red

Hardstyle   Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Motorhead @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:29:00

Meer info
Minus Militia - Chain Reaction, Cryspsis, Radical Redemption.

For your better listening i extracted audio part from youtube video stream, bit fixed gain & eq, now should be okay without this b2s talking & jingles.
Use 11.zippy.

Gestemd door: Motorhead Hatmeister sinenV P4RTYLOV3R Nastee anti-virus37 DaybreakerDJ Barticf SamBooka Jeffaaa Ronder Scooby-Doo D-Tuned robbieschrobbie BartyFire LarsHardstyle walbier oblikus Pithune BlackSunrise Mariioo AlvaroM Steven93 Etrax GaryOwens ZivaDJ chicomaster TomasG xYohan pitchan Bartdewit Jeroen- The-Stranger pipox Teunn Meggido Dziadkowy michielv jochem148 cval96 Zeudel AsyLium 310 smakkie Devasticate Quatto FlufflePuff DeimosOfficial Joeyy nYron2k5 RvdB14 dkodeofficial Deathmask lexxtraxx B. Jeffreyw t0n1 Boomrups thearrow HARDCOREnewsNL Lucato Mexx Kanibal Hard-Maxx mfluit Zoran jzoete brampenterman Arjan1977 TomNL023 DonC Haatpiraat real7a Minus_More TheAppetjoek dhrrob Reinier1992 Er_MuReNa kwondoo brmn Orihime robgommans LowlandSK Interc3pt THEbaddestSTEPH Shock_Attack rickertt90 EceergDJ vendel MortalMadness Sloopmuziek Depthz MathijsRAW c.bierman boytje1992 The_real_overdoser Adams86 stefan__EHV hunt3dgh0zt Duruz benm77 h4rdstyl3r Luuk1488 j0rrit grrraaaaa MelvinFR michaelvb_ robkeveghel q-uba21 Maximumraver Hansolo UUenZeL Denman timdawes swurf1 Xperior DjPdevil JeffreyFCT Clemence MadTwins nielskuh bryanzonderb kulpoon ZeraO Nelis999 allolemonde bisber kimmii [deleted user] DJ-Gracio paullus1991 sxsde hard91 JonnyWark Mikk_G brutilhose Eddix reniao666 DielieZzZ Da-Sparf DJOMGWTF Ulsen knifeplayer john1212 steinHC Fluttershy Angerfist1110 miepmiep strippom kwaibegai TheOutsiderzMusic lifefix julien92600 Dopejerry gero Joeri_N lucien1993az Peetwaa Aerobass maxwillink405 glen25 Tritta devcik88 Liam provehito Jersz28 szczupak87 stanheesch lucswinkels Eleionomae Nanzz jonske19 TheDudeJustin MJD_93 DJAnd1 Ferry043 rowan0162 CB92 MichalVanGabberCZ HarstyleIsMyStyle zoar JNKz Necrosia vaart017 rudeman 0180010 martins120 elgreco14 Sickplaya Glennpeters21 gracjanski Retrowillems View all ratings
Favoriet van: lucswinkels woutervandenhul P4RTYLOV3R Scooby-Doo BartyFire chicomaster RvdB14 dkodeofficial Dziadkowy B. dhrrob Etrax michielv Arjan1977 real7a Interc3pt Ronder Whopper THEbaddestSTEPH Troyee MathijsRAW royke184 veur Lucato Devasticate MelvinFR tiieetsj timdawes Xperior DJ-Gracio hard91 Bartdewit DJOMGWTF xpascalx TheAppetjoek Schottie23 dragonryder hardstyle1993 pitchan MortalMadness devcik88 Speed1848 MichalVanGabberCZ majette maro036 martins120 elgreco14 gracjanski View all favorites

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Minus Militia - The Endless Void
2. Crypsis - Strike (Minus Militia Edit)
3. Crypsis - Trapped
4. Radical Redemption - Secret Syndicates (Beat The Bridge 2014 Anthem)
5. Chain Reaction - Lellebel (Revisited)
6. Crypsis - On The Loose
7. Minus Militia - Reign Supreme
8. Radical Redemption - The Spell of Sin
9. Radical Redemption - Brutal 3.0
10. Chain Reaction - The Record Breaking (Minus Militia Remix)
11. Crypsis - Break Down Low (Minus Militia Hardcore Edit)

robkeveghel -
Totally wrecked the dome  :worship:  :bomb:
qris -
On 02-02-2014 23:12:46, Motorhead wrote:

someone have youtube live video stream of this set? Or any other?

HD stream!
Gewijzigd door qris op 04-02-2014 17:59
gorgeous set. Minus Militia blew up the whole place!
pitchan -
The Endless Void is so fucking amaaazing  :yay:  :yay:  (L)  (L)  (L)
TheAppetjoek -
Elke keer als ik "The Endless Void" hoor beginnen krijg ik weer kippevel! Wat een pracht feest was dat zeg! niet te zuinig!  :bomb:  :yes:
Tritta -
I can't believe some people actually voted negative on this one, it was incredible  :bomb:
Jeffaaa -
163 personen gestemd, 136+  :p.
Veel negatieve punten gekregen......
Jeffaaa -
Tritta, how can you NOT understand?
DJAnd1 -
Best Set so for this Year, waiting for Pumpkin, hope they play Reign Supreme <3 MINUS MILIIITIIAAAAA! BABABA BAM!
Ferry043 -
I'd love to see them perform live somewhere  :)
Twinky -