Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks
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Solutio & The I's , Vazard & Delete & Mind.Illusion @ The Magic Show Podcast 174


Toegevoegd door: h4rdstyl3r @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Bestandstype: 128 kbit MP3
Lengte: 03:01:39
Gestemd door: mainconcern real7a minddrug jzoete h4rdstyl3r benm77 Thermus Joeyy
Favoriet van: jzoete

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Solutio & The I's
1. Tuneboy ft. SoLeo - Six
2. Phrantic - Take Control
3. Ruthless - Givin' It All (Dr Rude Remix)
4. Frontliner ft. Nikkita - Death Of A Demon (B-Front Remix)
5. Artic - Unconceivable
6. Gunz For Hire - Swagger
7. Tartaros - Show Yourself
8. Solutio & The I's - BOOM!
9. Hard Driver - Exploration (Hard Bass 2014 Anthem)
10. Ran-D & Digital Punk - Born To Die
11. Endymion - Punk-Ass
12. Atmozfears - Destroy
13. Solutio & The I's - Ravage
14. Outbreak - The Nightmare Factory
15. Radical Redemption & E-Force (1)
16. Moridin - Born in Darkness
17. Solutio & The I's - Necromancy
18. Solutio & The I's - Darkness (The Geminizers Remix)
19. Alpha² & E-Force - The Boogeyman
20. The Machine - Within Each Of Us
21. Prefix & Density vs. Solutio & The I's - Artillery (1)
  Vazard & Delete
22. Vazard & Delete - Let's Get Weird
23. Vazard - Flow
24. Shellshock - Do The Math (Delete Remix)
25. Titan - Hooked
26. E-Force & X-Pander - Liberty
27. Delete - Ghetto
28. Vazard & Delete - Exist
29. Activator - Chaos
30. Sasha F - Artificial Reality
31. Dark Pact - Despair (Delete Remix)
32. Delete - Corruption
33. Hardstyle Mafia - Scream
34. Vazard - Misbegotten
35. Phuture Noize & Atmozfears - Unexpected
36. Delete - State Of Emergency
37. The Machine - Rollin'
38. Vazard - The Debt
39. DJ Thera & Delete - Ridiculous
40. Radical Redemption & High Voltage - Blame Society
41. Main Concern - Time Has Come
42. Brennan Heart - Home (Blademasterz Remix)
43. Antifact - Path Of Righteousness
44. Dark Oscillators - Nero
45. D-Block & S-Te-Fan - Decibel Anthem 2008
46. Abyss & Judge - Rise As One
47. Max Enforcer & Waverider - Dilemma
48. Zany & Noisecontrollers - Delomelancum
49. Hard Driver - Nature Of Blue
50. Zanza Labs - Control The Mind
51. Technoboy & Tuneboy aka TNT - Countdown
52. Pavo - Communicate
53. A-Lusion - Talk Iz The Remix (Kat Alkolic Mix)
54. Chain Reaction - Lellebel
55. Frontliner ft. Nikkita - Death Of A Demon (B-Front Remix)
56. Frequencerz & B-Front - Fatality
57. Degos & Re-Done - Demon In Me

Jipdenk -
15. mist een tracktitel, denk dat het In The House is

Daarnaast hierbij een aparte downloadlink voor Vazard & Delete: