Early Hardstyle
Jump Hardcore
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Cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/t1/996649_10202551878100027_686103874_n.jpg
1.Kick & Bass
by Brain ovulation
by DJ Mystery
3.Sliced Beat
by Lobotomy Inc
4.Cry (Dr.Phunk Bootleg)
by Bingo Players
5.Godd (Unknown Hardstyle Remix)
by Marco V
6.Make The Crowd Go (Dr.Phunk Bootleg)
by Alvaro
by Raine
8.Masterblade (Start of the acid war rmx)
by Blademasterz
9.Ft. EMC - Raver
by Showtek
by Luna
11.K.Y.H.U. (Noisecontrollers RMX)
by Wildstylez
12.Dikke Vette Bassplaat
by Zazafront
13.How much can you take (Catscan RMX)
by Bodylotion
14.98 To Your Mind
by Neophyte & The Viper
15.Your Smail (The Viper Rmx)
by Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo
16.Nobody Said It Was Easy
by Evil Activities
17.Army of Hardcore
by Neophyte vs The Stunned Guys