Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

SpeedGestört vs. Röm der Zerstörer @ Rotterdam Terror Radio pres. Speedcore Worlwide & Friends


Toegevoegd door: ThorstenSCWorldwide @
Laatst gewijzigd door: ThorstenSCWorldwide @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 00:58:56

Meer info
Show: SCWW & Friends
Radio: Rotterdam Terror Radio
On: 13 February 2014
Details: Mix 01 / 18:00PM
Act: Speedgestört / Röm der Zerstörer
Lenght: 58:56 Min

Gestemd door: ThorstenSCWorldwide kinderhack MichalVanGabber Headqracker SpeedGestoert tanner012555 kopfkrank86


- SpeedGestörts Part -

01 intro
02 SpeedCrusher - Speedcore is my life
03 DJ Crazycopkiller - speedcore frauentausch unter die dusche gepisst
04 Kurrupt & The Nightmare Man Refix - Somebody that i used to know
05 DJKurara - Raised Her Voice
06 Pigeon Cadaver - Létalité
07 DJ Contaminator - Bam
08 DJKurara - welcome to the SPEEEEDCORE (Edit)
09 TohLPeaks - You're Ridiculed
10 Kurewska Biba (Say 'Kurwa!' Z Pelnom Buziom)
11 Loffciamcore - Chuj Kurwa
12 kurwastyle - Der Krieg Ist Vorbei (Unmastered)
13 DJ Contaminator - Do Kotzt Er
14 Junkie Kut - Summoning (Remastered)
15 U.I. Project - Tetsuo The Bodyhammer (Mr.Q8 rmx)

- Röms Part -

16 MRT - The Beginning
17 TAKE THIS - I Will Always...
18 UKTM - Retribution
19 Passenger Of Shit - Shit Ya Panties
20 Sin.Core - Psychonosis
21 Noizefucker & Scrape Face - Insert and Normalize
22 Da Nite Terror Dwarvez - Radio Suxx
23 Septic Clunge - Can't Tame This Clunge
24 Rot'N'Creep - To Seperate People From Religion
25 DJ Deadlylinx Feat. Mental D-Struction - Snuff 102
26 Disco Cunt vs. The Pain Barrier - Speedcore Non Stop
27 7!cHO feat. Loki - Stars Can Suck (DJ Contaminator Death Mix)
28 Pain Generate Sperm - Khorona Nooo!! (Remix)
29 Odaxelagnia - Polish Dancecore Destruction
30 VOA - Tinnitus
31 Elektrotot - Durch Den Wolf Gedreht
32 Abschiedslied