Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Destructive Industry @ 300 followers mix!

UK Hardcore   Hardcore   Terror

Toegevoegd door: Destructive_Industry @

Bestandstype: MP3
Lengte: 00:32:53

Meer info
special mix for reaching 300 followers on soundcloud  :)
190 - 240bpm.... enjoy!!


1. Fragz & Deathmachine - Necessary evil
2. The Outside Agency - Waste management
3. Deathmachine - Unnatural sellection
4. Akira - Deadnet Deadnet 240
5. Detest - Ex-it (Bryan Fury rmx)
6. Deathmachine - Modify
7. Detest - Not far
8. Igneon System - Fortuneteller
9. The Outside Agency - Destruction
10. Technological Terror Crew - The iridium project
11. The Outside Agency - Edited for content
12. Goetia - Break-N-Fast
13. Deathmachine - Out of control
14. General Destruction - Dedication to penetration