Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Warpedweirdo @ A Is For Aphex Twin But Also For Autechre Part 1

Intelligent Dance Music   Breakcore

Toegevoegd door: PatrickG88 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: PatrickG88 @

Lengte: 01:59:59

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Live session 26 part 01
No guessing what this show is going to be all about, but I tell you anyway. well what it is I'm going to be doing a series of mixes dedicated to artists I love and grow up with.So this is the first session starting with A, the plan is to do 3 maybe 4 sessions/mixes a year so this not going to be a every fortnight thing.

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[IDM, Electronica, Drill & Bass]

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1. Caustic Window - Clayhill Dub
2. Autechre - Cloudline
3. Aphex Twin - Acrid Avid Jam Shred
4. Autechre - Known(1)
5. AFX - Hangable Auto Bulb
6. Autechre - Nine
7. Aphex Twin - Tree
8. Autechre - 11 is
9. Aphex Twin - Afx237 V7
10. Aphex Twin - 54 Cymru Beats
11. AFX - Children Talking
12. Aphex Twin - White Blur 2
13. Autechre - Dial
14. Buck Tick - In The Glitter Part 2 (Aphex Twin Mix)
15. Autechre - Sublimit
  Warpedweirdo (AD Break)
16. Aphex Twin - Tamphex (Hedphuq mix)
17. Autechre - Yessland
18. Caustic Window - The Garden of Linmiri
19. Aphex Twin - Phlange Phace