Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Chain Reaction @ Qapital 2014 Promo Mix


Toegevoegd door: P4RTYLOV3R @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:27:01

Meer info
Citizens of QAPITAL,

We will return to our QAPITAL on the 5th of April in the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam.
Listen to this weeks message for the citizens of QAPITAL from Chain Reaction. Enjoy!

Check out the website & line-up at
Get your tickets at


Gestemd door: P4RTYLOV3R stefan__EHV TomasG LowlandSK vogeltje024 reniao666 chicomaster Scooby-Doo lexxtraxx FlufflePuff XXenator Arjan1977 Seventails JustAniek1992 Hansolo
Favoriet van: Scooby-Doo Arjan1977 Seventails

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Chain Reaction - Lellebel (Revisited)
2. Kevin Kaos & Zero Sanity - Hit The Floor (E-Force Remix)
3. Chain Reaction - Barricade
4. Stereotuners - Dominator
5. Frequencerz - Bitch (Crypsis Remix)
6. Kold Konexion - My Case
7. Radical Redemption - The Resurrected Soul
8. Typhoon - Glimpse of the Future
9. Chain Reaction - War In Reverse (Phuture Noize Remix)

zippy link added  ;)
Tritta -
04. Stereotuners - Dominator
09. Chain Reaction - War In Reverse (Phuture Noize Remix)
Ronder -
01. Chain Reaction – Lellebel (Revisited)
02. Kevin Kaos & Zero Senity – Hit the Floor (E Force Remix)
03. Chain Reaction – Barricade
04. Stereotuners – Dominator
05. Frequencerz – Bitch (Crypsis Remix)
06. Kold Konexion – My Case
07. Radical Redemption – The Resurrected Soul
08. Dj Typhoon – Glimpse of The Future
09. Chain Reaction – War in Reverse (Phuture Noize Remix)
Seventails -
Heerlijk! Top! Thanks!  :thumbsup2: