Shoutbox: [04-01] hardcorerepublic: the forecast looks promising indeed  ^.^

Partyraiser @ Hardshock Festival 2014 Promomix


Toegevoegd door: Nvidia @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:49:00

Meer info
Hardshock Festival - Your Underground Destination
19 April 2014 - 12:00 - 00:00
Wijthmenerplas Zwolle (NL)

Gestemd door: Hansolo MoDi hardevg LarsHardstyle DjRepix HySteRiaa09 PeterPan Olla robinhc Sarge HardT3K-Tic Meggido nicohc originalgabber iimar walbier xxbeemerxx floor88 Smokey Pyd MarcoTechnofolle Weerzinwekkend Jaaaroen MimiIndustrial MichalVanGabber HARDCOREnewsNL gero Angry_eye Hansje JNKz bull83 Darksound View all ratings
Favoriet van: Hansolo Olla juultje Crazyesje Facebook_698468946971064

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Dave Dope - Rastacore (1)
2. Revolter - Break Bones
3. Repix - Started This Shit
4. Lenny Dee & Radium - Get Off Your Ass
5. The Unfamous - Drugs Problem
6. Partyraiser & Scrape Face - On A Mission! (F. Noize Remix)
7. Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom
8. Drokz & Partyraiser - Hardcore, Bitches, 40's & Blunts
9. F. Noize ft. Glenx - Superman (System Overload Remix)
10. Drokz & Counterfeit - What's That Sound
11. StickHead & Don Demon - DemonHead (Darkcontroller & s'Aphira 2013 ReFix)
12. Thunder - Hocus Pocus (1)
13. Paranoizer - Badness (1)
14. Drokz - Lessons from Grandpa

HakkeStubbi -
i can not download  :cry:  :@
Olla -
5. Lenny Dee & Radium - Get Off Your Ass
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. ID
02. ID
03. Repix - Started This Shit
04. Lenny Dee & Radium - Get Off Your Ass
05. The Unfamous - Drugs Problem
06. Partyraiser & Scrapeface - On A Mission (F. Noize Remix)
07. Legion Of The Lost - Bass Boom
08. Drokz & Partyraiser - Hardcore, Bitches, 40's and Blunts
09. F. Noize & Glenx - Superman 2012 (ID Remix)
10. ID (vocal; you know when the bass hit)
11. ID
12. ID (vocal; hocus pocus)
13. ID (Dave Dope - Rastacore?)
14. ID
HardT3K-Tic [Set Editor] -
On 05-04-2014 01:09:44, HakkeStubbi wrote:

i can not download  :cry:  :@

Now You Can  :thumbsup:
Thanks robinhc  :thumbsup2:
Gewijzigd door HardT3K-Tic op 05-04-2014 15:45
MoDi -
10 or 11 -> Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead
walbier -
track 1 is Dj Apathy for sure. dont know the trackname
Gewijzigd door walbier op 06-04-2014 13:22
MoDi -
14. Drokz - Lessons From Grandpa
MarcoTechnofolle -
09. F. Noize feat. Glenx - Superman 2012 (System Overload Remix)
10. Drokz & Counterfeit - What's That Sound
11. Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead

Finally a set from Partyraiser with lots of IDs!!

The remix of superman... how to ruin a great track
Gewijzigd door MarcoTechnofolle op 10-04-2014 14:49
Scorp1987 -
On 06-04-2014 13:15:10, walbier wrote:

track 1 is Dj Apathy for sure. dont know the trackname


track #1 is Dave Dope - Rastacore
Hansolo [Set Editor] -
On 09-04-2014 19:52:21, MarcoTechnofolle wrote:
11. Stickhead & Don Demon - Demonhead

Is it the Darkcontroller & s'Aphira Remix?
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
On 10-04-2014 22:40:16, Hansolo wrote:


Is it the Darkcontroller & s'Aphira Remix?

Yes it is.
tripomatic -
"nou, dat dus........."
On 10-04-2014 22:40:16, Hansolo wrote:


Is it the Darkcontroller & s'Aphira Remix?

On 11-04-2014 13:40:53, JeffreyFCT wrote:


Yes it is.

Please tell me this isn't true!  :(  :cry:
Olla -
02. Revolter - Break Bones
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
13. Paranoizer - Badness

Want to know the hocus pocus track  :cry:
JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
12. Thunder - Hocus Pocus