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FrenchCoreFreak2014 SensationFreak cloud9facker dunkelblaue.lothusblume [deleted user]
Multirave oesterreichaaa.core
Floxytek - Frenchcore Connection
Le Bask - Ravage
The Braindrillerz - Making Move Strong
The Sawerz ft. Adrenokrome - The Barbarians
The Sickest Squad - Digital Cocain
Carles S - Nobody Says
Adrenokrome - The Pain Of Silence
The Sickest Squad - Sick Lullaby
Stormtrooper - Mankind vs. Uranus
X-Mind & Andy The Core - Noise Like This
The Braindrillerz - We Crack Them Pussy
Le Bask - Crazy Puppet
Bass Facker & BackFlip - Loco
Mr. Ivex - Burn (Original Mix)
X-Mind & Minckz - Frenchcore S'Il Vous Plaît! Part 4 Anthem
Carles S - Devastated
Adrenokrome & Inked Kicker - No Way Back Now
Thunder - This Is War (X-Mind Remix)
Inked Kicker - Rock The Dancefloor
The Sawerz ft. Adrenokrome - Scary Day
X-Mind - One Chance (Bartoch Remix)
X-Mind - Whore Speeker
Adrenokrome - Adrenoland (The Sawerz Remix)
X-Mind - Raise Your Hand
The Braindrillerz - South Park