Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

DJ Thera & Wavolizer @ Theracords Radio Show


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:02:19
Gestemd door: minddrug XXenator Thermus h4rdstyl3r Xperior UUenZeL modernization Sarge Regi Gabberzotteke Maximumraver FlufflePuff
Favoriet van: Xperior

Bekijk als platte tekst


  Classic of the month:
1. 4 Navigators - Reiki (DJ Vortex Mix)
  Guestmix by Wavolizer:
2. Geck-o - Sticky Disco (Backstreet Banana Mix)
3. Technoboy - Put Some Grace (In Your Face Mix)
4. DJ Thera - Doggystyle (Cellrock Remix)
5. Stephanie - Karma's A Bitch
6. A-lusion - The First Sound
7. Wavolizer - Sympho
8. Hardstyle Mafia ft. Yuna-X - Follow Me
9. D-Mind & Vantage Point - Mental Illness (Delusion Anthem 2014)
10. Wavolizer - Imagination
11. Wavolizer - Done
12. Degos & Re-Done - Take A Trip
13. Mindustries - Vengeance
14. Donkey Rollers - LMPSJNK
15. Thera & Frequencerz - Incoming
16. Donkey Rollers - The Fusion Of Sound
17. Phrantic - Road Warrior
18. Wavolizer - Democracy
19. Noisecontrollers - What?!
  TOP 5:
20. Aeros - Embrace The Night
21. Delete - Eden (Deetox Remix)
22. Chris One - MF Punk (DJ Thera Remix)
23. Wavolizer - Debt of Blood VIP
24. Delete - Dismissed
  Outside The Box Track Of The Month:
25. Endymion & The Outside Agency - Pretty Much Fucked

Xperior -

Wavolizer  :worship:
Kwiebus -
kan iemand misschien een zippy linkje plaatsen??
Kabba -
On 06-05-2014 18:36:19, Kwiebus wrote:

kan iemand misschien een zippy linkje plaatsen??
