Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Freestyle Maniacs @ Hardcore Classics 2

Early Hardcore

Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 01:06:10

Meer info
1992-2002 Early Mix-tape

Gestemd door: shellghost hardevg Tweak1976 Housefreaky
Favoriet van: Housefreaky

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. Mad-E-Fact - Tell The DJ
2. DJ Isaac - Face Down, Ass Up
3. Marshall Masters - Stereo Murder
4. Crowd Control - Tranzformer (Attic & Acesone Remix)
5. The Dark Raver & DJ Vince - Thunderground
6. Robert Armani - Hit Hard
7. Rave Creator - A New Mind (Cold Rush Phuture Mix)
8. Radical 2 React - Eliminating Suckers
9. Marshall Masters - E-Ternal
10. Promo - Midnight Impact
11. Sons Of Ilsa - Pulsingers Nacht (I'm A Raver Baby)
12. French Connection - French Connection
13. Digital Boy - OK Alright! (Digital Boy '96 Remix)
14. Promo - King Of Pain
15. Nasty DJango & DJ Cirillo - Deal Wit' Beats
16. DJ Sim - Simbiosis
17. Hard Creation - Let's Get 'm All
18. T.N.T. - Criminal Mind
19. Masoko Solo - Pessa Pessa (DJ Cerla's 172 Bpm Rave Mix)
20. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies)
21. Rave Creator & The Mover - Atmos-Fear
22. DJ Isaac & The Viper - Fun-ky Beats
23. The Stunned Guys & DJ Paul - Thrillseeka
24. Maurizio Braccagni - Mosquito (DJ Paul Mix)
25. The Darkraver & DJ Vince - Intelligent Hardcore (Steve Shit Remix)
26. Rotterdam Terror Corps - Raveworld (The Final Part)
27. Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back
28. The Viper vs. Mad-E-Fact - Control The Party
29. DJ Bountyhunter - Woops
30. Citrus - Fascination
31. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth
32. Ilsa Gold - Up
33. Hard Creation - Bastard / Asshole
34. Forze DJ Team - 909 Trauma
35. English Muffin' - The Blood Of An English Muffin'
36. The Masochist - No New Style?
37. Naked Steel - Vive La France
38. Neophyte vs. The Stunned Guys - Get This Motherfucker
39. Hardsequencer - Brain Crash
40. Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl
41. Inferno Bros. - Slaves To The Rave (PCP Mix)
42. Darrien Kelly & The Stunned Guys - Main Mutherfucka's
43. Pinhead - Slammin Beatz
44. DJ Lancinhouse meets The Stunned Guys - Atmosfera
45. Bodylotion - Hurt You Bad
46. Bodylotion - Make You Dance
47. Bass-D & King Matthew - In The Mix

shellghost -
 :bomb:  :yay:
Housefreaky -
01. Mad-E-Fact - Tell The DJ
02. DJ Isaac - Face Down, Ass Up
03. Marshall Masters – Stereo Murder
04. Crowd Control – Tranzformer (Attic & Acesone Remix)
05. The Darkraver & DJ Vince – Thunderground
06. Robert Armani - Hit Hard
07. Rave Creator - A New Mind (Cold Rush Phuture Mix)
08. Radical 2 React - Eliminating Suckers
09. Marshall Masters - E-Ternal
10. DJ Promo - Midnight Impact
11. Sons Of Ilsa - Pulsingers Nacht (I'm A Raver Baby)
12. French Connection - French Connection
13. Digital Boy – OK, Alright ('96 Remix)
14. DJ Promo - King Of Pain
15. Nasty Django & DJ Cirillo - Deal Wit' Beats
16. DJ Sim - Simbiosis
17. Hard Creation - Let's Get'm All
18. T.N.T. - Criminal Mind
19. Masoko Solo - Pessa Pessa (DJ Cerla's 172 Bpm Rave Mix)
20. Steve Shit - Commonya'll (Move Ya' Bodies)
21. Rave Creator & The Mover– Atmos-Fear
22. DJ Isaac & The Viper - Fun-ky Beats
23. The Stunned Guys & DJ Paul - Thrillseeka
24. Maurizio Braccagni - Mosquito (DJ Paul Mix)
25. The Darkraver & DJ Vince – Intelligent Hardcore (Steve Shit Remix)
26. Rotterdam Terror Corps – Raveworld (The Final Part)
27. Wasting Program - Bring That Shit Back
28. The Viper vs Mad-E-Fact - Control The Party
29. DJ Bountyhunter - Woops
30. Citrus - Fascination
31. Jones & Stephenson - The First Rebirth
32. Ilsa Gold – Up
33. Hard Creation - Bastard / Asshole
34. Forze DJ Team - 909 Trauma
35. English Muffin' – The Blood Of An English Muffin'
36. The Masochist - No Newstyle?
37. Naked Steel – Vive La France
38. Neophyte vs The Stunned Guys - Get This Motherfucker
39. Hardsequencer - Brain Crash
40. Buzz Fuzz - Dreamgirl
41. Inferno Bros. - Slaves To The Rave (PCP Mix)
42. Darrien Kelly & The Stunned Guys - Main Mutherfucka's
43. Pinhead - Slammin Beatz
44. DJ Lancinhouse Meets The Stunned Guys - Atmosfera
45. Bodylotion - Hurt You Bad
46. Bodylotion - Make You Dance
47. Bass-D & King Matthew - In The Mix
Gewijzigd door Housefreaky op 22-08-2014 00:00
Rooney1982 -
 _O-  _O-  _O-