Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Para Italia @ Back2noize Radio Show


Toegevoegd door: Hansolo @
Laatst gewijzigd door: Hansolo @

Lengte: 00:47:13
Gestemd door: Haardkoor chicomaster

Bekijk als platte tekst


1. DaY-már - Feel Terror Cloud Your Senses (Wasted Mind Remix)
2. Unexist - Power Of Underground
3. F. Noize vs. Recallize - Step In To The Dark
4. Para Italia - Don't You Wanna
5. Tieum - Lock Me Down
6. Para Italia - Shake The Room
7. Dave Dope - Rastacore
8. Edge of Darkness - Out Of The Cage
9. F. Noize ft. Tha Feed - Dedicated To (Special Army of Hardcore Minimix)
10. Hardbouncer - Funky Ass Beats
11. F. Noize vs. S D Rayden & Speedram T K - Eat This (Thunder Mona Remix)
12. ID (ID)
13. Hardbouncer - God Core (Unrest Remix)
14. The Unfamous - Rock N Core
15. Miss Twilight - Grind (The Sickest Squad Remix)
16. ID (ID)
17. ID (ID)
18. Partyraiser & The Vizitor - Klote (Balzak Mix)

JeffreyFCT [Set Editor] -
01. Day-Mar - Feel Terror Cloud Your Senses (Wasted Mind Remix)
02. Unexist - Power Of Underground
03. F.Noize vs Recallize - Step In To The Dark
04. Para Italia - Don't You Wanna
05. Tieum - Lock Me Down
06. Para Italia - Shake The Room
07. Dave Dope - Rastacore
08. Edge Of Darkness - Out Of The Cage
09. F. Noize Ft. Tha Feed - Dedicated to (Special Army of Hardcore Minimix)
10. Hardbouncer - Funky Ass Beats
11. F. Noize vs S.D. Rayden & Speedram T. K. - Eat This (Thunder Mona Remix)
12. ID
13. Hardbouncer - God Core (2014 Refix)
14. The Unfamous - Rock N Core
15. Miss Twilight - Grind (The Sickest Squad Remix)
16. ID
17. Bartoch - Fuck The DJ
18. Partyraiser & The Vizitor - Klote (Balzak Mix)
Gewijzigd door JeffreyFCT op 28-05-2014 16:57
Haardkoor -
Uptempo Madness
14 = Hardbouncer - God core (Unrest Remix)
Gewijzigd door Haardkoor op 28-05-2014 14:21