Shoutbox: [06-03] darklime.carnage: there was somekind of an error on some of the mixes i'veposted (bigyogiman ones) please remove em thanks

Cpt. Salm pres. PressluftHammerKompressor Allee 2.0 @ Never Get Down Crossbreed


Toegevoegd door: psalm82 @
Laatst gewijzigd door: PatrickG88 @

Bestandstype: 320 kbit MP3
Lengte: 02:20:00

Meer info
Industrial-Salm-Core Set
Never Get Down ab 185 Bpm bis......
Alles das was leider letztens im Club nicht zu hören gab ;-)

Viel Spass und Grüße vom Team
Cpt.Salm vs. PressluftHammerMukke


1. Lowroller Vs N3AR - Crucify
2. Hellfish - Dogfish
3. Dither - Taught To Kill
4. Angel - Can You Hear Me
5. Lowroller - Industrial Overkill
6. Dimnet - Wild for the Night
7. Endymion & the Viper - Raging in the Dancehall (the Outside Agency Remix)
8. Lowroller - Mixbreed Soldier
9. The Outside Agency - Industrial Cooking Spray
10.Absence - Deceit (Original Mix)
11.Detest - Not Far
12.HARD WAY, The aka LIMEWAX/BONG - Pentagram Of Coke
13.Detest - Fuck That
14.Stormtrooper & Ebe Company - The Living Future (Lowroller Remix)
15.Tymon - Ambush
16.Stormtrooper - Beautiful Music
17.Detest - Evil Shadows
18.The Outside Agency - Hours & Dreams
19.Stormtrooper - The Gateway
20.Cheizi Level - Distant Variance
21.Detest - Witch Hunt
22.Dither - Digital Chemistry
23.I:gor - Too Hot
24.The Outside Agency & Sei2ure - Undermind
25.Detest - Hedon
26.Dither - Adopted The Dark
27.I:gor - Total Confusion
28.Tymon - Derange @ 170
29.Detest - Get The Fuck Out
30.Igneon System Vs Lowroller - Great Violence
31.Infamous & Syrinx - Possibility
32.Counterstrike and Cooh - Crowd Surfer (the Outside Agency Remix)
33.Bong-ra - Fallen Sons (Lowroller Remix)
34.Sei2ure - A Love Supreme
35.Ophidian - Formshift (the Outside Agency Remix)
36.Ophidian - Abandon (Album Version)
37.The Outside Agency - Backpack Wisdom
38.I:Gor - Gimme Some More